Josh Lau

Mary Ellen Pennington Successfully Licensed a Product!

Without the inventRight platform, I’m sure I’d still be swimming around aimlessly trying to invent things with nowhere to go with them, or mired down in the minutia of venturing.  A google search led to inventRight’s YouTube content, which led to the books, which led to coaching. Coaches Scott, Brad and Paul really got me to see that I needed to refine my approach and learn some of the lessons that are hard to learn, even with help – how to use no’s to your advantage, the power of trade shows, and that no matter how good your idea, unreceptive people will not be receptive.  Like Coach Scott says, “fish where the fish are.”

Even if it’s not on retail shelves yet, I’m excited that my garage storage device is licensed.  I’ve learned that the timeline is often better measured in quarters or years, not weeks or days.  It’s also true what they say about the licensing deal not being the end of the journey – packaging still needs to be designed, manufacturing input still needs to be given if you want your baby to have the best chance of success.

Josh Lau


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