4 Industries That Want to License Your Idea

Some industries have embraced open innovation more than others. I'm talking about industries that have an enormous appetite for new product ideas. Companies competing within these industries are very actively looking for your innovations because, to be frank, their...

Are Young Entrepreneurs Truly Endangered?

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the percentage of young people under 30 who own their own businesses is the lowest it has been in 24 years. Financial challenges and a "low appetite for risk" were cited as the primary reasons. To a certain extent, that...

Get in the Game: What Licensing Can Do for You

Do you have a great idea for a product or service that you’re convinced is the next big thing? You probably wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t--or at least want to. You know deep down that you’re destined to be an entrepreneur. You already have an inkling that...

Not Creative? Become a Product Scout

 A few weeks ago, I wrote about how desperate companies are for new ideas. Open innovation is changing the game. But what if you’re not creative and don’t have any ideas? You can still take advantage of this enormous opportunity even if innovation isn’t your thing....

3 Reasons to Submit an Idea to Quirky

There are more opportunities than ever before for innovators to pitch their ideas. One relatively new avenue is Quirky, a online product submission company that differentiates itself by relying on a community of influencers to help determine which ideas move into the...