Drew Micco

Nanobloc Invented by CJ Isakow

“I came up with a new idea for a musical accessory product a few years ago.

After making a simple mock-up, I started researching how to go about making money from my
idea. I interviewed some people who tried to manufacture and market musical accessories
themselves, and it seemed like they had huge costs and struggled to make their investment

Then I came across inventRight and Stephen’s book “One Simple Idea,” and was intrigued by
the idea of licensing. I also watched the inventRight YouTube channel, inventRightTV, religiously
for several months.

I followed the steps in the inventRight process and contacted several companies. To my
surprise, I got some initial interest.

One of the largest musical accessory companies was interested in my product!

At that point, I signed up for the inventRight coaching service to get help on navigating and
negotiating the deal. inventRight coaching was an invaluable resource and helped me with all
my questions and in negotiating the licensing terms.

My licensee took way longer to close the deal than I had hoped or anticipated, and there were
lots of twists and turns along the way. Without help from inventRight, I don’t think I would have
made it. But I am glad to say that I finally executed a licensing agreement, and my product is
now available for sale on a major music store website and soon to be in retail stores.

Thanks inventRight! And a special shout-out to my coach Kirk Hyust, and to Andrew Krauss and
Paul Sorensen, who helped get me across the finish line.” – Drew M.

Drew Micco


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