Taryn and Shai Omran

Inventors of Clean/Dirty Dishwasher Sign

Clean-Dirty Dishwasher Sign Invented by Taryn and Shai Omran

“When one of your products hits the market, it is simply a WONDERFUL FEELING! My husband and I work together – focusing on developing ideas that solve problems and are simple – just like Stephen Key coined, it is all about “One Simple Idea”.

If I had to offer guidance to others interested in this work, it would be the importance of keeping the admin side very organized to build relationships with potential licensees. I personally use the Independent Product Developers Template through Less Annoying CRM (https://lnkd.in/gXeUzp9) to keep track of outreach to companies and keeping my notes up to date – I find these key in landing licensing deals.”

Taryn and Shai Omran

Inventor, Clean/Dirty Dishwasher Sign

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