Innovate This!

Why We Care So Much At inventRight

by | Jul 7, 2023 | 0 comments

Group of People Standing Indoors

During a recent call with one of our inventRight members and their coach, I was struck by the question, “Why do we care so much at inventRight?”

As this member was crying tears of joy, she explained to me that the past decade of trying to commercialize her wonderful idea was filled with frustration.

After spending $100,000 and going nowhere, she was questioning her sanity. She had lost all hope. She was questioning herself and her product. On that call, she shared how much it meant to have individuals who genuinely care.

Watching inventRightTV videos for free on YouTube provided valuable assistance and guidance. Even more meaningful was the unwavering support she received from her coach, who displayed genuine care for her and her product.

Having personally experienced similar challenges, I knew exactly what she felt like.

It’s not easy taking an invention to market by yourself.

I am familiar with the struggle — the constant battle of wondering if you’re crazy or not.

I relate to feeling uncertain and not knowing if the path you’re taking is the right one.

I know what it feels like to invest time and money into something you truly adore, all the while grappling with the doubt of whether others will share the same level of passion.

When I first started bringing my ideas to market, I felt the exact same way.

I felt like I was alone. I questioned if I was wasting my time and whether I possessed the necessary abilities to pursue my goals.

However, I was fortunate to meet someone who provided me with the confidence and guidance I needed.

This person’s name is Steve Askin. Steve genuinely cared about my success and helped me gain the confidence and a roadmap to achieve my goals.

Trust me: I know exactly what it feels like to come up with an idea and feel completely lost about what steps to take next!

It wasn’t until I met Andrew Krauss, my partner at inventRight for over 23 years, that I realized many other people were struggling with the same thing. They had product ideas they were trying and failing to commercialize.

I wasn’t alone in this experience.

As the president of the largest inventing association in the United States at the time, which was called Inventor Alliance and based in the Bay Area, Andrew recognized the challenges faced by inventors.

A friend of mine mentioned there was a monthly gathering of inventors and suggested that I showcase some of the products I had licensed during the meetings.

Initially, I was unaware that such gatherings and discussions on this topic were taking place. As I began showcasing my licensed products, people were very excited.

This group of inventors was also struggling, filled with fear and uncertainty about their progress.

Andrew was there to support these inventors.

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Following that meeting, Andrew and I decided to team up and assist our fellow inventors, leading us to create inventRight. Our mission to help inventors has remained unchanged for over 23 years.

The Driving Force Behind inventRight’s Care

Driven by our own experiences as inventors, we knew what we had to do.

We set out to construct a program that would eradicate fear, providing a sense of security and confidence.

Our program is designed to instill accountability among our members, ensuring they stay on track and take the necessary steps towards success.

Additionally, we developed a program that facilitates idea testing, allowing inventors to validate their concepts and refine them accordingly.

Recognizing the significance of idea protection, we built a program that protects our members’ intellectual property rights.

Moreover, our program serves as a vital bridge, connecting our members with companies seeking innovative ideas.

We wanted to establish a program that guides our members in securing successful licensing agreements with companies actively seeking fresh concepts.

Our aim is to empower inventors and provide them with the tools and support they need to navigate the journey of licensing their product ideas.

We had to build a program that actually helps inventors bring their ideas to market!

And that’s exactly what Andrew Krauss and I did. Everyone at inventRight is here to help you because we’ve all been there before.

Through our own firsthand experience, we have come to understand that transforming a product idea into a market reality requires several key elements: A strong and innovative concept, diligent and dedicated effort, a well-defined roadmap, and the guidance of someone who can help you stay focused and on course.

We know this formula works — our testimonials here are evidence. We have an entire Buyers Guide dedicated to products invented and developed by our members, which you can review here.

“My business is greatly expanding. You have changed my life forever!”

Mohamed Ali from Cairo, Egypt, Inventor of the Power Lock

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We love testimonials like this, it keeps us motivated!

Curious How inventRight Empowers Individuals License Their Product Ideas? Here You Go!

The 10-step roadmap we have at inventRight, which has proven to produce success over and over again, is based on my experience of being a full-time inventor for over 35 years.

We teach that same roadmap to the members of inventRight.

When provided with the 10 simple steps, alongside a coach to help keep accountability, you can reach your licensing goals.

Over the years, I have licensed quite a few products. Here’s a video that shows a few of the products I brought to market using this licensing strategy.

Over the years, I’ve been able to share my story in the press.

I’ve been fortunate to share my love of licensing in my first book “One Simple Idea,” which was first published back in 2011.

Through real-world results, these steps have shown their ability to not only save you valuable time and resources but also significantly enhance your chances of successfully licensing your product ideas.

These steps will help you become a professional in this industry!

Having Someone To Guide You

Along with the steps, our program offers the invaluable support of experienced coaches who have personally undergone the licensing process.

Check out our amazing coaches along with our other team members here.

Our coaches are truly amazing, and they care for each and every inventRight member. Here’s one inventRight coach who has been with us for many years now.

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Ryan was first one of our members, then later became one of our coaches. You can see by his testimonials, he’s doing a wonderful job.

inventRight’s Philosophy

Our philosophy at inventRight revolves around “selling” the “benefit” of your product idea.

Testing your ideas first, without spending a lot of time, energy, and money, will allow you to stay in the game longer.

And by testing a lot of your ideas, your chances of success increase dramatically.

Our powerful strategy to stand out in the market while testing your ideas is by creating a one-page advertisement which showcases the benefits of your idea. This concise and impactful representation, often referred to as a sell sheet, has proven to capture attention effectively.

inventRight’s Design Studio has created thousands of sell sheets to help our members.

Crafting compelling marketing material is crucial for your overall success, and we are experts at this.

As an inventRight member, your coach will work closely with you to ensure your messaging is compelling, persuasive, and effectively conveys the value of your product idea.

The Traditional Way Never Worked Very Well!

The conventional approach of pursuing patents, investing in costly prototypes, and establishing a company first has too often proved to be ineffective.

Many individuals end up giving up too early, spending too much money, or focusing on products that lack market demand.

At inventRight, we advocate for a different approach. We guide our members to proceed cautiously and deliberately, ensuring they take the appropriate steps at the right time.

That’s why having a coach who has personally experienced the entire process can be incredibly helpful. Having been through the process multiple times, they know what to look out for to ensure you aren’t making mistakes.

We know protection is on everyone’s mind.

We have developed a program specifically designed to address the challenges of intellectual property. Getting a patent can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars and take years. Typically, the inventor never makes enough money to cover the cost of getting the patent.

Drawing on my personal experience in intellectual property, with 20 patents to my name and experience litigating against a major company like Lego, Inc., I recognized the need for a different strategy.

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To create a program that would allow our members to get robust patent pending status quickly, we partnered with patent attorney and law professor Gene Quinn, resulting in the development of SmartIP—an integral component included in the inventRight membership. SmartIP helps you draft a better provisional patent application.

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The hardest part!

We understand that reaching out to potential licensees can be one of the most challenging aspects of the licensing process.

In today’s world, it has become even more difficult to capture the attention of busy individuals.

This process requires time, patience, and can be extremely frustrating. As someone who has pitched ideas to companies for years, I can say that this is not the most enjoyable part of the journey.

Because of that, we created programs for our members to help you create connections with companies actively seeking new ideas.

We have a directory of more than 1,000 companies that are looking for ideas.

We’ve also created a program called All Access. You get the contact information of at least 60 executives, including their names, job titles, personal emails, LinkedIn profiles, and company phone numbers.

This makes it very easy to reach out to the companies that are in your category.

To enhance your pitching skills and stay updated with the latest tips and strategies, we offer a special class twice a month that brings our members together for knowledge sharing and learning.

This program is called Smart Pitch.

On top of that after signing up for the inventRight membership, you receive communication with decision-makers at the companies looking for ideas.

We call this program, Bridging The Gap.

Connecting with companies that are looking for ideas while building those important relationships plays a huge role in your licensing success.

Because of our success rate, companies like Hasbro reach out to us all the time to build those relationships.

By leveraging these resources and programs, you can effectively connect with companies seeking ideas, foster valuable relationships, and significantly improve your chances of success.

Signing The Deal!

You have worked extremely hard. You’ve attended all your meetings with your coach, you studied all of the steps, and you took action in turning your dream into a reality.

Now you’re in the game — a company wants your product idea! Your coach is there to guide you through every step leading up to the licensing agreement.

Once you reach this step our negotiation coach, Paul Sorenson, steps in to help you negotiate your licensing agreement.

This is very exciting, but of course, very nerve-racking.

At inventRight, we have witnessed countless licensing agreements and have assisted our students in negotiating successful deals behind the scenes.

We understand that companies may underestimate you and your capabilities, but they may not realize that you have the backing of a company with over 23 years of experience in this field.

We want to make sure you receive a fair and balanced licensing agreement.


We truly understand the significance of the process involved in commercializing your product ideas.

We empathize with you because we have personally experienced the same journey ourselves. It is this shared experience that drives our passion and dedication at inventRight.

And that is why we care so much at inventRight!


  • Stephen Key

    Stephen Key is an award-winning inventor, renowned intellectual property strategist, lifelong entrepreneur, author, speaker, and columnist.
    Stephen has over 20 patents in his name and the d...